A new report by Innovation Observatory, more than $378 billion will be collectively invested in building electricity smart grids by 2030. Sources: Http://Xrl.Us/Bii2sf http://xrl.us/bigqfh

Saturday, March 17, 2007

TORONTO, Canada: A plug for BPL

Published: Saturday, March 17, 2007 | 1:28 PM ET
Canadian Press

TORONTO (CP) - In another addition to he widening array of high-tech initial-letter sets, BPL may soon be coming to a wall plug near you.

Broadband-over-Power-Line technology - the Internet conducted over electrical wires - is running at a Toronto apartment building in an installation by Electrolinks Corp.

BPL, long considered not quite ready for commercial prime time, turns every electrical outlet in the building into a high-speed Internet connection for a computer or Internet-protocol telephone.

Electrolinks says its BPL can provide speeds approaching 200 megabytes per second on power distribution lines, and "this capacity is positioned for opportunities including internal utility services, smart meter, electricity control and grid automation projects in addition to nearby TV-on-demand and broadband Internet services," including in rural areas with no existing high-speed availability.

1 comment:

  1. Electrolinks has a serious grip on the future of Smart Grid and BPL technologies. From what I understand they are negotiating a BPL with an entire country
