A new report by Innovation Observatory, more than $378 billion will be collectively invested in building electricity smart grids by 2030. Sources: Http://Xrl.Us/Bii2sf http://xrl.us/bigqfh

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The sad state of American broadband-- 9/13/2006 11:29:54 AM, by Eric Bangeman

"Looking at the statistics contained in the report, we discover that the US is 16th in the world in terms of broadband penetration and 15th in rate of growth. As of December 2005, the US had approximately 16 broadband subscribers for every 100 inhabitants. In contrast, Iceland had almost 27, while South Korea, the Netherlands, and Denmark were right around 25 per 100.

US residents lag in speed as well, but pay more for their slower connections. In Japan, symmetrical 100Mbps connections are available for less than $35 per month, while residents of South Korea can get similarly speedy fiber optic connections for around $32. Those speeds are unheard of for consumer broadband in the US, and prices for much slower hookups are significantly higher—Comcast charges $69 for 10Mbps/768Kbps service where I live, by way of example."


The sad state of American broadband

1 comment:

  1. I am in Japan with a fiber optic connection which can be described in 2 words .. F**king awesome!

    Fiber opens up the use of newer technologies such as movie downloads, TV via broadband, multiple video conference chats.
